Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ruminations on Pregnancy Stuff, Half-Way Point (or a little over)

I would first like to say thank you for all of your congratulations, "boy"-themed gifts, and overall excitement about Baby Boy K's news (or "BBK" as my mom put it)! 

I would then like to address a few more things...
  • To the pregnancy police, I appreciate you laying off lately. I know you think Pregnant Ladies look better in those flowy baby-doll tops, but I kind of like showing off the bump. Thanks for not saying anything anymore.
  • To my student who is mad at me because I'm "getting fat" and "not as hot," yeah, I really don't care. And to every other kid in that class who explained to him what happens when someone is pregnant, bless you. 
  • To my fellow pregnant friends--and there are quite a few of us right now!--it's been super fun sharing this experience. I feel grateful to be able to do so with people I'm so close to--I can't wait to see all of our upcoming arrivals!
  • To Olivia, who really did come up with a great name and told us it was okay if there were also dogs named that name, you rock. It doesn't mean we'll use it--but you still rock.
  • To the GapOutlet Distribution Center in Hebron, Kentucky, you also rock. I can't wait to take Julia there so she can experience the love!
  • To everyone I told that we weren't registering, well, we changed our minds. 
  • On that note, Babies-R-Us, I'm ready for you. I will be there this weekend, prepared to conquer your massive wall of pacifiers!!
  • To my ever-growing belly, I really have embraced you and come to like you. I don't think I love you, but I definitely don't mind you as long as I'm in stretchy pants. To the little guy inside, I more than like you--love, love, LOVE is what we feel for you! You are so loved already, and you're just papaya-sized! 

1 comment:

  1. would you mind just double-registering for me, too? i'm feeling lazy and the wall of pacifiers scares me... my kid is totally getting the free ones from the hospital.
