Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Peanut Butter Picnic Cake

I guess you come up with some pretty random nicknames when you have a kid. :o)

Last week, Greg was holding Will, and he was fussing to be fed, so I said to him, "Come here you peanut butter picnic cake." Yeah, random. It just came out. 

Greg thought it was hilarious. He googled it. And then it was REALLY funny because it was a real thing! There was a recipe for peanut butter picnic cake!

So the next logical step was to make it. Which I did tonight. It's like a gourmet, extra sweet PBJ sandwich. I foresee trying it with some bananas on top tomorrow (because that's how we rolled in my family). 

If you are a peanut butter lover, try it out! I would also keep it refrigerated. It appears to be a bit goopy with the jelly and the frosting.

Peanut Butter Picnic Cake

2 cups flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup margarine
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/4 cup Peanut Butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups Strawberry Preserves, divided
Peanut Butter Icing (recipe follows)

HEAT oven to 350°F.

MIX flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. Beat margarine and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Blend in peanut butter, eggs and vanilla. Add flour mixture alternately with the milk, beating until well blended after each addition. 

POUR into two greased and floured 8 or 9-inch (20 or 23 cm) layer pans. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in centre comes out clean. 

COOL 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely. 

SPREAD first layer with 1 cup of preserves. Place second cake on top.

FROST with Peanut Butter Icing. Spread remaining 1/2 cup preserves on top. Makes 10 to 12 servings. 

Peanut Butter Icing
1/4 cup margarine
1/4 cup Peanut Butter
1 tsp. vanilla
dash of salt
2-1/2 cups sifted icing sugar 
3 Tbsp. milk

BEAT margarine; blend in peanut butter, vanilla and salt.
ADD icing sugar alternately with milk, beating until light and fluffy.

Will's first days

thank you epidural for letting me smile again.
father & son
hanging upside down on august 4th
checking out the new "puppy"

he's here!

L&D: Will declares his birthday

So by now, you all are aware that our son, William (Will) Wells Kauffman came a bit early on August 5th. And as of today, he is 2 weeks old. He is doing very well, minus some weight gain issues. 

What most of you don't know is the story of how he arrived--it is not dramatic, but I want to get it all down so I remember it while it's (somewhat) fresh. 

The Saturday before he made his debut, Greg and I went on a walk (one of many we took the last month) and as we returned home, I felt little Will drop--literally--a bit lower into my pelvis. The plus side? I could eat more (still had heartburn--but it was nice to eat). The downside? The hip/lower back/pelvic pain that followed. OW. 

I officially truly entered "miserable." I wasn't sleeping--wide awake at all hours of the day and night (I would kill to feel like that now). I would lie awake and literally stare at Greg, willing him to wake up so I could talk to someone. Plus this awful pain! I was pretty mad on Tuesday, August 4th, when I woke up to pouring down rain...and it poured...and poured...and How was I going to get my walk in? I'd tried spicy foods to move things along. Nothing. Walking was the only way we were making progress! My solution? Bake.

I made applesauce cake. And then I made Magic Cookie Bars. And then Greg and I decided to go to yoga. My facebook status update that evening read something to the effect of: If I hang upside down, maybe the little boy will swim faster the other way? 

That yoga practice was excruciating. My back, my hips, the general discomfort of bending forward. YUCK. I actually felt pretty decent hanging upside down, which I did 3 times in pinchamya before class started.

Greg and I returned home. I tried to eat dinner--couldn't. The heartburn was too intense and nothing was calming it down. And then I started getting contractions.

Around 8:45, we timed them until about 10, and then they stopped being regular...they started coming every 15 minutes, but more intense. I remember being excited with each one--about 4 hours later, I realized there is NOTHING exciting about contractions. :o) 

At 11:30, Greg and I called the doctor, just to see what she said. The doctor on call, Dr. Choi, was enjoying her second night back after about 7 months of maternity leave. I'm sure she was THRILLED to get my call. :o) She told us to try and get some rest, keep our eye on it, etc. After all, I was only 37 weeks. 

I did go to sleep. And at 2:30 a.m. when I rolled over, I heard a pop, felt an instant gush, and immediately became nauseous, only because I knew this was water was on his way. 

Greg apparently became nauseous too. He turned white as a ghost. I'm sitting on the toilet, and Greg is laying in bed. I say to him, "Sweets, you gotta get it together! You gotta drive us to the hospital!" And within 10 minutes, we were out the door with a hand towel between my legs. Really, I needed about 4 bath towels. I had no idea the amount of "water"! 

The ride to Good Sam was a blur. I wasn't having too many contractions, I could breathe and talk through them.

Good Sam is in a perpetual state of "under construction," like most hospitals in the country. We park where it says "Maternity Admissions" (there was a sign for valet parking. Yeah, that doesn't exist at 3 a.m.) and go in the only door available--the ER door.

I look at the ER admissions lady, and with water literally gushing down my leg, I ask her to direct us to Maternity.

She ROLLS HER EYES, and then she SIGHS, and she says, "I will THIS time, but NEXT time, you need to park on level 5, take that elevator to the blahblahblahblahblah" because I tuned her out. Clearly--not going to be a next time, at least not for the next 9 months. Direct us to the freaking elevator lady.

So I'm sitting in L&D admissions, and we're wrapping up a few paper work items, and the contractions REALLY start to come. They take me to triage...and they are coming even faster. Greg wasn't allowed in there and there were 2 nurses. They were SO nice and patient--I couldn't answer their questions anymore. They checked me when I got in--4 cm. Within 20 minutes, I was at 6 cm. In this process, they also couldn't get an IV in me. They tried my right hand, then my left. Then the other nurse tried both hands (left hand is still bruised). They tried my left forearm, and by then I'm crying (nothing at all exciting about those contractions), and they decide they should just get me to the L&D room. Away I go. 

Now there are 4 nurses. They are debating on what to do with my veins. I'm now screaming (I asked permission first, of course). Greg is white as a ghost, almost passed out several times, and they send him to the waiting room with orange juice (he couldn't handle seeing me in pain and not be able to do anything about it). Now my face is buried in this poor nurse's chest, I'm screaming b/c my contractions are coming every minute and lasting for a minute. God bless her, seriously. (In between contractions, I remember mentioning something about this not being anything like "A Baby Story." They laughed. I also kept apologizing--for screaming, for everything, and the nurses also found that funny.) FINALLY someone gets an IV in me (they didn't want to put it by my elbow b/c they wanted me to be mobile. I told them it was okay if it was in my elbow, just, please, do IT!). FINALLY the anesthesiologist shows up, and I could care less about how that was painful or not--I don't remember--it felt like my stomach was being ripped open, who cares about my spine? Once that epidural was in though--holy cow--I felt 2 more contractions and then it was BLISS. 

Greg came back in, I was comfortable, and we watched "Anchorman" to help us pass the time. It was about 4 a.m. Greg's sister and dad arrived, and I called my mom again only to find out she was on a plane. (She initially, in her panic, purchased a ticket from Cincinnati to Newark instead of vice versa, and had to pay $150 to change it once airport security pointed out her mistake..."Um, ma'am, you are already in Newark...this ticket isn't going to get you anywhere." She called later that afternoon and got her $150 back.) :o)

Around 9 a.m., it was time to push! 

Oh, and Dr. Choi got to go home at shift change at 7 a.m. She said she actually got more sleep at the hospital and thanked us for that. :o) So Dr. Gardner delivered our boy. She said, "Sure is nice when they declare their own birthdays." :o) 

I pushed for 40 minutes, and little Will came out in all his glory at 9:40 a.m. I attribute the fast delivery and easy pushing to yoga. I kept that core strong for 9 months, and was able to push him right out! 

They kept asking if I wanted the mirror. I kept telling them no. On the last push, Dr. Gardner said, "This is it, here's his head, look!" So I open my eyes and laugh through the last push because a slimy mushy alien head was emerging and it seemed a little funny. I thought Greg was laughing too, but really he was crying next to me. So then I started crying, and then we were a family. :o) 

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ruminations...less than 4 weeks to go

Dogs hanging out in nursery
The bargain glider
35 weeks I think. Notice the pathetic expression on Cooper's face.
My mom & I at shower #2.
Greg & I opening a cool yoga baby gift.

A few surprises at today's doctor's appointment:
  1. I am already 1 cm. dilated (but, according to what I've googled, it is common to tell every woman that in her first check). I've had contractions on and off for the last 6 weeks--good to know they are getting the party started. 
  2. Baby's head is low low low low. :o) He didn't think he had grown at all this week until he realized how far down his head was! That explains a myriad of things, from the tap dancing sensations on my bladder which mean peeing every 20 minutes (the books are right), to the general discomfort in my hips (which I went to the chiropractor for, and he essentially told me there was no hope for relief until baby came out).
  3. Baby has jumped from 60th percentile to 70th percentile...seriously hoping these predictions are just lies...
  4. I am becoming more and more okay with the idea of "giving birth." While it has creeped me out/freaked me out in the last few months, it is now the means to the end of baby kicking my ribs, and I'm alright with that. :o)
The third and final baby shower was yesterday. It was a "surprise" shower given by all of our neighbors (they were seriously disappointed when they realized I wasn't actually surprised...thank you Greg). :o) Once again, we received GREAT stuff! (Side note: I will say I haven't even started thank you notes for any of the showers. Please know you will receive one. Greg and I need to get on the ball.) The only surprise from this shower was the of the little old ladies made chicken liver pâté...

As I type this, I am sitting in our bargain glider in the nursery. I LOVE it!! And, since we got it for such a steal, I love it even more! This is becoming my favorite place to sit--probably a good thing, since I'll be spending a lot of time here soon. We have started reading the baby a goodnight story every night. The dogs join us. I sit in the glider, Greg sits next to the glider, and the dogs lay on the carpet at our feet. I'm glad they feel comfortable in here. I am starting to feel guilty already for the lack of attention they are going to receive in about a month. :o( 

Here are a few other random tidbits...
  1. Dear Cute Fall Clothes I'm Passing at the Mall, I promise to come in and try you on soon. Just as soon as I lose the %& pounds I've gained...sigh... :o)
  2. Dear Dr. Smith, I have decided that you are an okay doctor. You were the only one I didn't feel entirely comfortable with, but I have since changed my mind. One request: Please leave your M&Ms/Snoopy/Garfield/cutesy ties at home if you happen to deliver the baby. They are distracting.
  3. Dear Fatigue, I miss you. Almost as much as I miss real clothes. I know you'll be coming back with the arrival of baby. I think I look forward to your return. Much better than lying awake at night and watching infomercials about medicine to clean your adrenal glands (seriously??).
  4. Dear DVR, You are going to become my best friend soon. I hope you are ready for me at midnight, 2 a.m., and 4 a.m.
  5. Dear Long Term Substitute Teacher, I have done absolutely everything for you. Please don't mess this up. 
  6. Dear Greg, What an amazing husband you are, and I think everyone who has made it this far down the blog needs to know that. Seriously--you are fantastic. I am the luckiest wife--our son is the luckiest little boy. :o) I can't wait to name him __________! Haha. You all will need to wait! ;o) 

Monday, June 22, 2009

8 weeks to go...

I was a little freaked when the ultrasound technician told me that BBK was in the 60th percentile today...especially when one of the measurements across his head looked like it said "10 cm" already! But since posting on facebook about BBK's predicted size, I have since had several people tell me that ultrasound machines are basically liars. :o) So even though the lady said he was 4 pounds, there's a good chance he's actually not. :o) I shall keep hoping he's not. No time like the present to take up smoking to keep the birthweight low!! (And I'm totally kidding, stop freaking out.) :o) Oh, and the cysts on his brain are gone (yay!). I also got him a pediatrician today--Anderson Hills Pediatrics, where Greg and I both went. Is that a sign we need to move? :o)

Other than that, I feel good, I like to take naps, I'm still doing/teaching yoga, mowing the lawn, walking like crazy (Greg and I call them "Fitness Fun Walks") and everything else I would normally do...for the most part...I'm exceptionally glad to be out of my hotbox of a classroom. Speaking of, my 5th bell kids threw me a baby shower the last week of school, complete with homemade cake and a party game (guess how big Mrs. Kauffman's belly is with the streamer). They bought absolutely adorable stuff--not one thing that I cringed at! Such good taste. :o) 

Anyway, below are some yoga photos from about 3 weeks ago, some mid-32 week pictures 
(current), our guest bathroom renovation (really, I take no credit except for painting), and some of my favorite parts of BBK's nursery so far. 

mid 32 weeks...taken today
light fixture in nursery--love it
rug in nursery--love it!
new bathroom floor tile
same bathroom sink, new mirror and lighting
new tub tile (subway tile) & fixtures

old bathroom peach tile on walls, hideous mirror
icky old peach bathroom floor tile

Greg & I had fun with yoga poses

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Time for an update

We've been very busy lately, wrapping up the school year, cleaning up the yard (while I can still bend over), and spending some quality time together that we know we won't be getting here in about 3 months! :o)

My friend Amanda and I went to the Britney Spears concert in Columbus a few weeks ago. Yeah. We did. I won't lie--it was awesome. :o) I felt a little strange being pregnant at a Britney concert, so I ordered the same tank top Britney wore when she was preggers--you can see that photo below. :o) I also made some comment about there being a lot of moms with their sons at the concert...and then I realized I had my son at the concert as well. I tried to shield him from seeing her scantily clad self, but he was very much enjoying the LOUD thumping and kicking like crazy.

We hosted Julia & Chris, OU friends and my former college roommate, a few weeks ago (actually, all 3 of my roommates from my senior year of college are pregnant right now, and 3 of us are having boys--so funny!). Julia is just 2 weeks behind me and also having a boy, so it was fun to share pregnancy delights with one another (like having to pee so bad you think you're going to burst, only to have a teaspoon's worth of pee actually exit...sigh). We also hit up the Gap Outlet in Hebron where I once again got $450 worth of clothes for $70, and Julia did the same. I only hope that no pregnant woman ever pays full price for pregnancy clothes ever again! I know I will never do that!

We put our crib and changing table together--we enjoyed that they provided 2 screwdriver things so that it had to be a team effort. 45 minutes and 0 fights later, we had furniture! The nursery is slowly coming together--Greg is working on refinishing my old dresser, which was also my mom's. Should look great!

Other than that, baby boy Kauffman is growing and progressing well--as is his mommy's tummy! Enjoy the updated photos. :o) 

26 weeks!

Julia & I

My awesome t-shirt--"I've got the Golden Ticket"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ruminations on Pregnancy Stuff, Half-Way Point (or a little over)

I would first like to say thank you for all of your congratulations, "boy"-themed gifts, and overall excitement about Baby Boy K's news (or "BBK" as my mom put it)! 

I would then like to address a few more things...
  • To the pregnancy police, I appreciate you laying off lately. I know you think Pregnant Ladies look better in those flowy baby-doll tops, but I kind of like showing off the bump. Thanks for not saying anything anymore.
  • To my student who is mad at me because I'm "getting fat" and "not as hot," yeah, I really don't care. And to every other kid in that class who explained to him what happens when someone is pregnant, bless you. 
  • To my fellow pregnant friends--and there are quite a few of us right now!--it's been super fun sharing this experience. I feel grateful to be able to do so with people I'm so close to--I can't wait to see all of our upcoming arrivals!
  • To Olivia, who really did come up with a great name and told us it was okay if there were also dogs named that name, you rock. It doesn't mean we'll use it--but you still rock.
  • To the GapOutlet Distribution Center in Hebron, Kentucky, you also rock. I can't wait to take Julia there so she can experience the love!
  • To everyone I told that we weren't registering, well, we changed our minds. 
  • On that note, Babies-R-Us, I'm ready for you. I will be there this weekend, prepared to conquer your massive wall of pacifiers!!
  • To my ever-growing belly, I really have embraced you and come to like you. I don't think I love you, but I definitely don't mind you as long as I'm in stretchy pants. To the little guy inside, I more than like you--love, love, LOVE is what we feel for you! You are so loved already, and you're just papaya-sized!