Monday, July 27, 2009

Ruminations...less than 4 weeks to go

Dogs hanging out in nursery
The bargain glider
35 weeks I think. Notice the pathetic expression on Cooper's face.
My mom & I at shower #2.
Greg & I opening a cool yoga baby gift.

A few surprises at today's doctor's appointment:
  1. I am already 1 cm. dilated (but, according to what I've googled, it is common to tell every woman that in her first check). I've had contractions on and off for the last 6 weeks--good to know they are getting the party started. 
  2. Baby's head is low low low low. :o) He didn't think he had grown at all this week until he realized how far down his head was! That explains a myriad of things, from the tap dancing sensations on my bladder which mean peeing every 20 minutes (the books are right), to the general discomfort in my hips (which I went to the chiropractor for, and he essentially told me there was no hope for relief until baby came out).
  3. Baby has jumped from 60th percentile to 70th percentile...seriously hoping these predictions are just lies...
  4. I am becoming more and more okay with the idea of "giving birth." While it has creeped me out/freaked me out in the last few months, it is now the means to the end of baby kicking my ribs, and I'm alright with that. :o)
The third and final baby shower was yesterday. It was a "surprise" shower given by all of our neighbors (they were seriously disappointed when they realized I wasn't actually surprised...thank you Greg). :o) Once again, we received GREAT stuff! (Side note: I will say I haven't even started thank you notes for any of the showers. Please know you will receive one. Greg and I need to get on the ball.) The only surprise from this shower was the of the little old ladies made chicken liver pâté...

As I type this, I am sitting in our bargain glider in the nursery. I LOVE it!! And, since we got it for such a steal, I love it even more! This is becoming my favorite place to sit--probably a good thing, since I'll be spending a lot of time here soon. We have started reading the baby a goodnight story every night. The dogs join us. I sit in the glider, Greg sits next to the glider, and the dogs lay on the carpet at our feet. I'm glad they feel comfortable in here. I am starting to feel guilty already for the lack of attention they are going to receive in about a month. :o( 

Here are a few other random tidbits...
  1. Dear Cute Fall Clothes I'm Passing at the Mall, I promise to come in and try you on soon. Just as soon as I lose the %& pounds I've gained...sigh... :o)
  2. Dear Dr. Smith, I have decided that you are an okay doctor. You were the only one I didn't feel entirely comfortable with, but I have since changed my mind. One request: Please leave your M&Ms/Snoopy/Garfield/cutesy ties at home if you happen to deliver the baby. They are distracting.
  3. Dear Fatigue, I miss you. Almost as much as I miss real clothes. I know you'll be coming back with the arrival of baby. I think I look forward to your return. Much better than lying awake at night and watching infomercials about medicine to clean your adrenal glands (seriously??).
  4. Dear DVR, You are going to become my best friend soon. I hope you are ready for me at midnight, 2 a.m., and 4 a.m.
  5. Dear Long Term Substitute Teacher, I have done absolutely everything for you. Please don't mess this up. 
  6. Dear Greg, What an amazing husband you are, and I think everyone who has made it this far down the blog needs to know that. Seriously--you are fantastic. I am the luckiest wife--our son is the luckiest little boy. :o) I can't wait to name him __________! Haha. You all will need to wait! ;o) 

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